Discover Medemblik
Medemblik is Rich in Fun with its ideal combination of city and village, culture and nature, history and contemporary entertainment. You will find a wide range of activities and attractions. For your family and relatives, with children, as a group of friends or fun for two. Medemblik welcomes you!
Voormalig stadhuis Medemblik
Het stadhuis van Medemblik is een voormalig gemeentehuis in de Noord-Hollandse plaats Medemblik. Het is gebouwd in 1939 ...
Rumours Grand Café
At Rumours Grand Café in Medemblik, atmospheric, authentic and everyday conviviality come together. Indoors during a co...
Visit Medemblik
In the historic building of MEET Medemblik you will find a tourist information point with volunteers who are passionate ...
Twisca Museum
Monument village Twisk has a rich history, so there is much to tell. It is even better to show that history. From archae...
Lucky Lucy Tattoo and Body Art
Liselotte Klaver welcomes you to her own tattoo shop on the Nieuwstraat in Medemblik. Be inspired by her creations and c...
Market at Lodge 61
Find fresh produce and various other delicious local products at the market in Medemblik.
Koggenhuis Medemblik
Nieuwstraat 26 is een vroeg zeventiende-eeuws woonhuis in opdracht van de vermogende Albert Pietersz Hauwert.
Oorlogsmonumenten vertellen
Achter ieder oorlogsmonument gaan herinneringen schuil; ook in de gemeente Medemblik. De verhalen achter deze monumenten...
Zwembad ‘t Ploetertje
Al 50 zomers iedere dag geopend. Ga je ook van de glijbaan af?
Hotel Medemblik [Het Wapen]
How delightful it is to enjoy from the heart. Hotel & Restaurant het Wapen van Medemblik located in the Heart of Medembl...
De Westfriese Omringdijk
De enige monumentale dijk ter wereld. Weids landschap, stolpboerderijen, historische molens en kleurrijke bollenvelden w...