Oorlogsmuseum Medemblik
There are two exhibitions about the Second World War at Medemblik War Museum :
- ‘Road to Freedom’ about the military side.
- ‘Choices in Almersdorp’ about the civil side.
Discover the WWII stories in an interactive way
You can visit our museum in the traditional way by looking around freely and reading the stories, but do you really want to experience the storyline as the museum team has set it up? Then we definitely recommend that you book one of the 2 Experience Tours according to the Escaperoom concept.
Discover the (local) Second World War stories in an interactive way. Fun and educational for young and old! An Experience Tour lasts 2 hours and you choose a time slot: 10:00 AM, 12:30 PM or 3:00 PM.
The rest of the day (before/after the Experience Tour) you can freely look around the entire museum.
War Museum Medemblik is open from Tuesday to Saturday between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM and on Sunday from 12:30 PM to 5:00 PM.
For more information, booking tickets and current ticket prices, see www.trouwsmuseummedemblik.nl